Hydrogen Strategy Set Sail in Full Power: ICT Developer Signed Strategic Partnership Agreement with HyET Group of the Netherlands

On 10th September 2019, Dr. Tang Zhiyong, CEO of ICT Developer, Dr. Xue Junli, Technology Director, and Jiang Wan, Business Manager, visited HyET Group in the Netherlands to explore the potentiality of cooperation in hydrogen energy field. Mr. Rombout Swanborn, CEO of HyET Group, extended his warmest welcome to the team.


After examination of HyET’s demo facility of electrochemical hydrogen compression (EHC), both parties carried on with an in-depth exchange of views.


Dr. Tang first gave an overall introduction of ICT Developer, which highlighted the company’s plan on hydrogen energy, on which ICT Developer intended to initiate cooperation with HyET with regard to hydrogen compression and other technology


Mr. Swanborn introduced the history and strategic planning of HyET Group and pointed out that HyET’s expertise in solar energy, electrolysis production of hydrogen, and hydrogen compression is highly compatible with ICT Developer’s business, indicating a broad scope for cooperation.


Mr. Swanborn expressed his interest and approval of ICT Developer’s business model of “Innovation + Financing + Industrial Resources”. He considered ICT Developer a promising strategic partner in China based on the fact that it was a state-owned innovation investment platform which rooted deeply in the technology accretion of Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Dr. Tang and Ms. Maria Fennis, General Manager of HyET, signed a strategic partnership agreement between ICT Developer and HyET Group at the end of the fruitful meeting.


As a leader in the field of EHC of the world, HyET group of the Netherlands has outstanding capabilities in designing and developing hydrogen compressors. It has secured investments from Shell, Anglo American and other international energy giants. Currently, HyET is managing multiple hydrogen energy projects in the United States, the Netherlands, Belgium and some other countries. This strategic partnership with HyET Group will be an essential support to ICT Developer in its effort of putting forward its own extensive hydrogen energy solution. The initiation of the partnership marked a solid step towards fulfilling ICT Developer’s strategic objective of building future hydrogen energy ecosystem.